Sign up with our job search assistance services and meet employers as they present information on recruiting, the types of careers available in their line of business, and the rewards and challenges that come with… Read more
Would you like to be able to meet employers in your chosen career field? We have developed partnerships with a number of organizations that are committed to helping women integrate into the labour market. Come to one of our upcoming activities to meet with them and discover what they have to offer.
Sign up with our job search assistance services and meet employers as they present information on recruiting, the types of careers available in their line of business, and the rewards and challenges that come with… Read more
We organize job fairs to put our job seekers in touch with employers who are looking for new talent. From time to time, we also host smaller recruiting activities focusing on specific fields where there are labour… Read more
Meeting women who are successful in your current or desired field is an excellent way to become better informed about your career aspirations and confirm that you are heading in the right direction. Want to know if… Read more
Does the very thought of going in for an interview stress you out? Curious to know how you really perform when you’re talking to a prospective employer? That’s where we can help you out with a practice interview. … Read more
When you sign up for our job search assistance services, you will get access to job offers the Centre receives from employers. Our counsellors also have access to a job bank, which is shared within our team and posted… Read more