
Volunteer Recognition Week

During this week of volunteer action, we would like to highlight the valuable contribution of our volunteers in our various services by sharing with you the testimony of Isabelle Troitzky, volunteer at the telephone line of the first line service but also volunteer within the Centre's marketing and public relations committee.


A huge thank you to Isabelle, as well as to all our volunteers who work with heart and generosity for the women of Montreal and their families.

"I am proud and grateful to be able to give my time and my skills to the Women's Centre of Montreal, even if it is certainly little compared to the treasures of energy, talent, ingenuity and generosity that deploy the employees of the Center day after day to help the most vulnerable women regain their self-confidence and develop their autonomy. Whether it is by providing my communication advice so that the Centre continues to make its services known to women and to promote its mission in the community, or even to direct the women who call the Centre to receive food, psychosocial or legal aid, I tell myself that every little action counts and represents a parcel of future luck for these women who need it so much. Listening to immigrant women, aboriginal women, women victims of all kinds of abuse or poverty share their reality with courage and appeal for help with humility makes me want to offer everything I have so that they get out of it, they shine and help their families in turn. We see that there are so many inequalities, but also that women have this flame in them, sometimes stifled, that the wonderful team of the Centre and its volunteers help to rekindle. »

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