
TNM supports the Montreal Women's Centre Foundation

The Théâtre du Nouveau Monde (TNM) not only presents captivating works but also commits to important causes. With the new production of "Lysis," a play with a strong feminist message, TNM is making a concrete gesture to support the women in our community.

For every individual ticket sold for the "Lysis" performance, $1 will be donated to the Montreal Women’s Centre Foundation. The Centre and its Foundation play a crucial role in providing essential services and resources to women from all backgrounds in Montreal.

"Lysis" is much more than just a play. It highlights the struggles and triumphs of women while questioning social norms and persistent inequalities. By attending this performance, you are directly contributing to a cause that promotes equality and support for women.

We want to express our deep gratitude to TNM for this generous initiative and for its continued commitment to the values of equality and solidarity. Thank you for making art a vehicle for social change.

Reserve your tickets now and join us for a memorable evening that combines culture and social engagement.

Performances at TNM until June 1, 2024.

Discover the conversation between Johanne Bélisle, Director of the Montreal Women’s Centre, and Lorraine Pintal, Director of the play.

Lysis | TNM | Centre des femmes de Montréal from Théâtre du Nouveau Monde on Vimeo.

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