
International Women's Rights Day - Determined and united for equality

March 8 marks International Women's Rights Day: a special time to highlight feminist struggles and continue the fight for gender equality!

In keeping with the 2024 theme "Ça gronde!", we are invited to assess our progress and mobilize, against a backdrop of change and challenges to our gains. 

"It's rumbling inside, it's rumbling outside, it's rumbling everywhere. Inequalities everywhere. Violence everywhere. Everywhere, crises. Climate crisis, housing crisis, crisis in our public services, crisis of confidence in our systems. Our systems are failing, outdated, and out of breath. We're at our wits' end too. We're angry. And scared, sometimes. It's true, our pain and our tears could extinguish our fire. But it doesn't. It's fanned, it grows. It feeds on the struggles of some, on the anger of others. It rumbles, it boils and it fulminates. It will explode. It's already exploding with the fire that can heal, that can unite. The fire that can change everything" (source FTQ).

As a women's center, our commitment has been unequivocal for 50 years: to promote gender equality and the recognition of the rights of all women

Let's move resolutely toward a more inclusive future, where every woman can take her place and make her voice heard!


Practical information:
Take part in the demonstration organized by the FTQ (Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec) in Dorchester Square today, Friday, March 8, at 5:30pm!


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